Wednesday, March 30, 2011

NEWSFLASH: Money - no longer the root of all evil?

After a series of gangland murders in the Hundred Acre Wood it turns out that honey is in fact the root of all evil after all.

Known on the street as 'Hunny', users will often turn to crime to fund their habit and find any excuse for regular snacks.

Notorious addict Pooh says, 'It's like being a zombie, I just bumble around trying to get more and more, it's got totally out of hand tiddely-pom'.

A family of rabbits, all innocent bystanders, were injured in the attack.

'It's just so depressing' said local donkey Eeyore, 'but I suppose it's inevitable'.

It is widely know that Tigger is the head of the 'hunny' cartel but police have been unable to catch him.

The shootings are thought to be part of an attempt to overthrow Tigger's supremacy by a small rival gang led by Piglet.

1 comment:

  1. This certainly is a creative way to look at the evil of honey. Certainly we can't afford to love "honey" either.
